Sunday, 30 August 2020

Women's Month: Week 4


If there's one thing that's guaranteed in life, it's that change is inevitable. Whether we've planned for it or not, life has a way of surprising us. The best we can do, is to take those unexpected turns as opportunities for personal growth, self-reflection and new beginnings. Like flowers and trees, we have to bloom, wilt and bloom again. Rebirth reminds us that at every end exists new beginnings. By leaving behind the things we cannot change, we make room for new beginnings and move forward with hope and grace.

The complex relationship we all have with change because it is powerful enough to bring people together, or it can tear them apart. Change is a process and it takes place exactly when it needs to happen, Change is growth.

Change for I is understanding that we are all on earth but each person has a unique and different journey. Change for I is acknowledging that I'm not entirely in control of were this journey of life will take me. Change for I is being content with myself and what I have. Change for I is aknowledging that there are challenges in life but if you stand strong you can overcome them.

Change for I is willingness to learn everyday, not because you are dum but because you understand there is so much to learn in this thing called life. Change for I is knowing my worth and not accepting everything. Change for I is respecting myself so that others may do so too. Change for I is knowing that I am capable of greatness.

Change for I is standing firm in the things that I believe in. Change for I is being a great representative of my gender. Change for I is understanding that the possibilities are endless and my dreams and aspirations are valid. Change for I is living the life that I've always envisioned for myself with no regrets.

Change for are is sticking to what I know best and not competing with anyone else. Change for I is believing in myself and what I can become. Change for I is working at bettering myself and those around me. Change for I is knowing that I'm not a failure and working on the things that I did not succeed at.

Change for I is knowing that my sister's troubles and downfalls are not for my amusement. Change for I is knowing that I lend a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on for my sister. Change for I is rejoicing in my sister's success because jealousy does not suit me in any way shape or form. Change for I is having the purest heart with no judgement. Change for I is knowing that if we stand together United no one can ever come between us.

As we end the month of August, the month of women's month, start making changes and acknowledging changes that you need to do in your life. Nobody is perfect but strive for absolute perfection at everything that you do. Be the change that you want to see in others, it all starts with you. Women United conquer and succeed at everything because they help each other stay on top πŸ™.


  1. As this is the last Sunday on Women's Month I say thank you Sis ❤, This blog should reach every Woman its a must Read 😊 keep on building Women Confidence πŸ€—!!
    This this Blog says to me take No part in destroying other woman 😊 , Let's support , Love each other one's downfall must not be your rejoice!
    Let us be Strong πŸ’ͺ Stronger than Before let's work towards equipping one anotherπŸ˜πŸ€—❤
    I thank you 😁😍

  2. I sincerely thank you for supporting this blog ❤️. I truly hope that this reaches many, and may we not only support and be united because it's women's month but may we continue to love, respect and celebrate each other as women.πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ


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